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Overscale Flames

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Overscale Flames

Jean-Marie Massaud

Overscale Flames Objects


Overscale Candles, die von einer Art Metallkäfig gestützte bekannte Kerzenkollektion von Jean-Marie Massaud, wird durch zwei neue, großformatige Elemente ergänzt: den Overscale Flames. Sie bestehen nicht aus Wachs, sondern aus Polyurethan harz in hoher Dichte (Baydur®), in der ein Behälter für Öl und ein Docht untergebracht sind.

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Gestell aus Metallprofile, Körper aus Polyurethanharz in hoher Dichte (Baydur®), Düsen aus Aluminium eloxiert


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Jean-Marie Massaud

Since the beginning of his career - a 1990 graduate of Paris’ ENSCI-Les Ateliers, Paris Design Institute -, Jean-Marie Massaud has been working on an extensive range of works, stretching from architecture to objects, from one-off project to serial ones, from macro environment down to micro contexts. Major brands have solicited his ability to mix comfort and elegance, zeitgeist and heritage, generosity and distinction.

His quest for lightness synthesizes three broader stakes: individual and collective fulfillment, economic and industrial efficiency, environmental concerns. His creations, whether speculative or pragmatic, explore this imperative paradigm: reconciling pleasure with responsibility, the individual with the collective.

Among his most sensational projects that illustrate this philosophy, the stadium for the city of Guadalajara, Mexico. A cloud and volcano-shaped building, integrated in a vast urban development program that re-unites leisure and culture, nature and urbanization, sport aficionados and local citizens.

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