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Naoto Fukasawa

Outside Objects


Ein Ei und sein Behälter, Voll- und Leer Form, konvex und konkav, eine Schale für verschiedene Dinge. In eleganter Ausführung, glänzend lackiert und in den Farben schwarz und weiß lieferbar, präsentiert Fukasawa seine individuelle und witzige Interpretation des klassischen fernöstlichen Themas der Gegensätze, positiv und negativ, Yin und Yang. Der Behälter besteht aus einem rechteckigen Block, der auf einer Seite in Form eines halben Eis ausgehöhlt wurde, und eignet sich je nach Bedarf als Schale für verschiedene Dinge (z.B. als Obstschale). Das Ei wiederum kann in vier gebrauchsfertige Tabletts zerlegt the need of the moment. The egg can also be taken apart into fourready-for-use trays.

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Polyurethanharz in hoher Dichte glänzend

weiß oder schwarz

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Naoto Fukasawa

Always devoted to achieving simplicity and beauty, Naoto Fukasawa designs products for numerous internationally prestigious brands, as well as collaborating as designer and consultant for many major Japanese companies. His creativity embraces very different sectors, from precision electronic equipment to furniture and interior design.

In his career as designer he has received important awards and many of his works are part of the permanent collections of museums such as the MoMa in New York, the Victoria and Albert Musuem in London and the Designmuseum Danmark. In 2007, the UK Royal Society of Arts awarded him the title of Honorable Royal Designer for Industry. In 2017, he became a member of the Loewe Craft Prize jury. He is a professor in the Integrated Design department at Tama Art University. In 2006, he established the “Super Normal” project with Jasper Morrison.

Since 2021 he is curator of The Japan Folk Crafts Museum in Tokyo. Fukasawa has co-authored with the photographer Tamotsu Fujii the volume The Outline -The Unseen Outline of Things, published by Hachette Fujingaho, and released the book Naoto Fukasawa published by Phaidon Press. In Spring 2018, he released his second book with Phaidon Press Naoto Fukasawa: Embodiment.

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